KG "Brooklyn Zoo" HD Wallpaper

KG "Brooklyn Zoo!"Wallpaper

 Good evening!

 I would like to dedicate this one to my friend Tafare Berryman (R.I.P. my brother!) and the late great O.D.B. (Wu tang forever!)

Kevin Garnett is one of my favorite athletes. Nobody can match this guys intensity and I hope that him and the nets do some damage this year.

With that being said, here is the final render for that KG Brooklyn Zoo piece that I was working on. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. Notice the orange and blue piranhas in the water ;) no subliminal I'm just sayin lol Brooklyn Stand UP!

Download HD Wallpaper here: 1366X768 | 1920X1080 | 2560X1440 | 2560X1600
